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Our Story


*Across 750+ clients


*Across 750+ clients


*Across 750+ clients

Behind the man.

Who is Ricki Brideoake?

rickey new 1
brideoke mob

Ultimate Performance Academy was born from the success I had unfucking my own life using what I now call the Warrior King Framework…

A life where we can have a successful business while also being the partner, father and friend that is needed to those around you.


Ricki Brideoake 

Founder, Ultimate Performance Academy


From The Outside I had everything…

The finances, partner, career and health.

But inside I felt empty.

Like I was lacking some major element to my life…

At the time I had no idea what it was.

For years I kept plotting along like this…

Long hours in the office…

Stress constantly disrupting my nervous system…

Forever feeling guilty for not being ‘happy’ like I thought I was meant to be.

It took me nearly ending everything one night driving home to fuckin’ realise.

See, from when I was a kid I had it drummed into me that I had to just work my ass off to get ahead then everything else would sort itself out. 

Yet, my life was burning to the ground around me.

I knew there was a better way, so I got to work.

I spoke with coaches, peak performers, some top business mentors and even some psychologists to try and upgrade my internal world.

But all they gave me were strategies that fixed one thing by sacrificing another or scripts to medications that wouldn’t fix the root cause of the problem

Or they’d suggest to me to just lower my goals, or not try and achieve so much..

Shit like:

“Just don’t run as big a business”


“Scale down to create more time for yourself and your family…”

Fuck that.

That’s not how I am hardwired…

I have a fire within me, and pouring water on that fire wasn’t going to lead me to the life I wanted, it would only lead to DARKNESS…

I just needed a way to CONTROL the fire.

A way to use the fire for good……

To help me achieve my goals and targets WITHOUT setting things around me up in flames.

I wanted both the goals and the freedom, I knew it was possible.

Over time I’d met a handful of guys that had each section of their life running like a well-oiled machine. It gave me the confidence that it could be done.

They weren’t sacrificing their families for work. They had both.

They were fit, going on holidays with their wife and kids all the time… And their businesses were killing it. 

I just had to work out how the f*ck to do it.

That’s where the Warrior King Framework was created…

From about 200 post-it notes I had sprinkled all over my office floor.

Notes from the ideas and strategies of the coaches I had paid to help me upgrade myself.

I combined parts of each of them. I studied the hidden patterns and created the first variation of the Warrior King Framework.

And I put it to work on myself.

Pretty quickly my life changed. 

I left my 100-hour-work-weeks behind to work only 25-30 hours a week.

My finances grew steadily and my relationship grew.

Then I introduced it to the guys I was working privately with.

Because, just like I used to be, these guys were super busy and flat-out…

Struggling to control the monster (business) they had created.

So I ran them through the Warrior King Framework, and the results spoke for themselves.

Was the first version perfect?

No, of course not.

But it made a massive shift in the growth of their business and the freedom it created for them.

In the first year of implementing the Warrior King Framework the averages across our clients were:

  • Average Profit Growth: 90%
  • Hours Reduced each week: 10

But since that time, my team and I have been obsessed with making it better and better. We’ve helped hundreds of blokes like you upgrade their life.

As of December 2023 the averages across our client base after implementing the Warrior King Framework are:

  • Average Extra Profit Added Each Month: $60,047
  • Hours Reduced each week: 28

They’ve turned their businesses into profit machines that run successfully without them.

We’ve helped them upgrade their mindset to operate as the man they know they can be.

A man who shows up 100 per cent in all areas of their life.

A man who gets things done and doesn’t sacrifice his family.

We have created a brotherhood of blokes that hold each other up. Help each other when they fall. And push each other to achieve new levels of life.

Blokes unlocking financial and time freedom, and a deep sense of purpose for those who already have it.

At the bottom of this page there is a button.

This button is a call-to-arms. A call that 847 men before you have answered.
These men took the plunge, the hard road… 

But a road they know they need to take to be the man their business, and their family needs from them.

If you click that button and leave your details, one of the team will reach out with a quick call.

How you show up to that call is your choice.

You might feel the urge to bail and go back to your daily grind. Forget what you’ve just read and tell yourself it’s fine.

But you might want to fire up and take the leap. Own your shit and become the man you know you can be.

The choice is yours.


Ricki Brideoake 

Founder, Ultimate Performance Academy